Complementing the other SuRF units, the CALM facility aspires to provide a dedicated service for fluorescence-based multi-dimensional optical imaging. Specialising in live specimen imaging, we provide expert advice, help with experimental design, training and access to a large range of state-of-the-art light microscopy platforms.
With expertise in a wide range of imaging techniques such as time lapse imaging, confocal and multi-photon-based scanning microscopy, image deconvolution and image data analysis, the CALM facility offers access to high-end light microscopy platforms for multi-dimensional imaging. Practical instrument assistance is given by a team of experienced imaging experts. Advanced imaging techniques such as fluorescence lifetime measurements (FLIM), laser-based optical specimen manipulation, fast 4D imaging, label-free vibrational recordings (e.g. SHG, THG, CARS) are also offered as well as the assisted use of these technologies.
In addition, Rolly Wiegand, as the Head and academic lead of the CALM facility provides consultancy on microscope infrastructure, the operation of imaging facilities, imaging-based grant applications and image data analysis.
We also teach twice a year a highly respected course and workshop about the basics of optics and light microscopy by subscription, and, on demand, topic-based workshops are on offer to keep interested users at the cutting edge of optical imaging.
Facility key technologies:
- Fluorescence widefield microscopy and image deconvolution
- Multi-dimensional confocal laser scanning microscopy
- Live cell imaging
- Multi-photon excitation-based scanning microscopy for deep penetration imaging
- Vibrational imaging
- Fluorescence lifetime imaging
- Spinning disk confocal microscopy and photo-manipulation of samples
- Image data restoration, processing and quantitation