SuRF @ IRR North


SURF is fully committed to underpinning research throughout the University of Edinburgh, and locally throughout the Little France campus. As part of this commitment Histology and Immunodetection operate a fully equipped satellite laboratory located within the IRR North building. The Biomolecular Core Facility also engages with IRR researchers offering a bespoke viral vector service with on site advice and experimental design.



The IRR North Building histology lab is fully equipped for processing and sectioning both paraffin and resin embedded cell and tissue samples. The plastic microtome is complimented by having facilities to make glass knifes and for higher quality and publication work diamond knifes are available. Cryostats for sectioning frozen tissues are available including the capability for sectioning harder tissues and bone samples using tungsten knifes. The laboratory also has a vibratome for cutting thick sections of fresh or fixed agar embedded samples for live tissue studies or 3D imaging applications. Additional resources can be accessed in the QMRI. The IRR South building has a fully supported microscopic imaging facility and manager supporting final imaging of samples.


Biomolecular Core Facility viral vector service offers off-the-shelf ready made trial aliquots of virus. These can be used for small low cost enabling experiments with minimal financial outlay. Once experimental conditions have been optimized we also offer a customized bespoke tailored viral vector cloning and packaging service that can accommodate specific research needs and requirements, including a choice of fluorescent markers to compliment on site imaging capabilities, inducible gene expression, cell specific promoters, and over expression and knock-down of gene expression.


The Histology laboratory operates in both a self-service and fully assisted capacity. Dedicated staff are on-site every day and at additional support can be requested , we can operate a drop off and collection service to access complimentary histology, immuno-staining and RNAscope services.


We are keen to engage with you to help design experiments, troubleshoot, cost grants and provide training on histology equipment and provide advice on immuno-staining experiments.

Biomolecular Core Facility provides costing for grants, advice and guidance on experiments. Off-site we also offer fully accessible bookable equipment located in the QMRI, which is open to all University staff and can be accessed via an online booking system